
羹 soup
  高汤 thin soup; light soup; clear soup; consomme
  清汤 thin soup; light soup; clear soup; consomme
  浓汤 thick soup; pottage/potage
  老汤 soup stock
  肉汤 broth
  骨头汤 bone broth
  肉片汤 soup with meat slices
  黄瓜肉片汤 soup with meat and cucumber slices
  肉片鱼羹 sliced meat with fish paste in broth
  丸子汤 soup with meat balls; pork balls soup
  氽丸子 soup with meat balls; pork balls soup
  肉圆粉丝汤 pork balls soup with bean noodles
  白肺汤 pork lung soup
  牛肉汤 beef soup
  羊肉汤 mutton soup
  鸡汤 chicken soup; soup with chicken
  鸡块汤 soup with chicken slices; soup with sliced chicken; sliced chicken soup
  鸡丝汤 soup with shredded chicken; shredded chicken soup
  草菇鸡片汤 sliced chicken with mushrooms in soup
  鸡茸玉米汤 corn soup with minced chicken
  鸡茸芦笋汤 asparagus soup with mashed chicken
  鸡茸黄鱼羹 yellow croaker potage with minced chicken
  鸡杂汤 chicken giblets soup
  鸡什汤 chicken giblets soup
  蔬菜鸡什汤 chicken giblets soup with vegetables
  鸭汤 duck soup
  火鸭芥菜汤 sliced roasted duck with leaf mustered in soup
  芥菜鸭汤 duck soup with pickled mustard leaves
  鸭掌汤 duck web soup
  竹笋鸭掌汤 duck’s feet with bamboo shoots in soup
  鸭肝汤 duck liver soup
冬菇鸭杂汤 duck giblets soup with black mushrooms
  鸭骨菜汤 duck bone soup with vegetables
  汤泡肫球 gizzard balls in soup
  三鲜汤 soup with fish, shrimps and pork balls
  红鱼汤 fish soup with tomato
  黄鱼羹 yellow croaker chowder
  鲫鱼汤 soup with gold carp; gold carp soup
  鱼翅汤 soup with shark’s fins
  鲍鱼汤 soup with abalone; abalone soup
  鲍鱼鸡片汤 abalone soup with sliced chicken
  鲍鱼芦笋汤 abalone soup with asparagus
  干贝汤 dried scallop soup; soup with dried scallops
  燕窝汤 bird‘s nest soup
  燕窝羹 bird‘s nest soup
  蛇羹 snake soup; soup with snake
  酸辣汤 sour and pepper hot soup
  豆腐汤 bean-cud soup
  蔬菜汤 vegetables soup
  榨菜汤 hot pickled tuber mustard soup
  榨菜肉丝汤 hot pickled tuber mustard soup with shredded pork
  榨菜粉丝汤 hot pickled tuber mustard soup with bean noodles
  什锦瓜丁汤 assorted meat soup with diced white gourd
  鸡蛋羹 steamed egg custard
  鸡蛋汤 eggdrop soup; egg soup
  木须汤 eggdrop soup; egg soup
  蛋花汤 eggdrop soup; egg soup
  蕃茄鸡蛋汤 egg soup with tomatoes
  锅巴口蘑汤 mushroom soup with fried rice crust
  白豆汤 white bean soup
  玉米羹 sweet corn soup
